Election 2024: Voters can still register to vote in these states
20 states allow eligible voters to register and vote at the polls.
Although many states have passed their deadline for eligible residents to register to vote, 22 states and the District of Columbia offer one last chance to sign up and cast a vote in the next couple of days.
Prospective voters in those locations, however, will have to go in person and bring key items in order to do so.

Same-day voter registration, where an eligible voter can go in person to register to vote and cast their ballot in the same spot after their application is approved, has become a growing option over the last couple of years, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, which tracks registration deadlines.

The prospective voter must bring proof of identification and proof of residency in order for their registration to be approved, the NCSL said. In most cases, this would mean just a driver's license, but other additional proofs are accepted including utility bills and paystubs, the NCSL said.
Several states will count a ballot as provisional until proper ID is supplied or until the voter's application is fully checked, according to the NCSL.

Here are the states that offer same-day voter registration during early voting and Election Day at polling sites.

Eligible voters can log onto vote.gov for more resources on how to register and check the status of their registration, as well as information on their ballot.