Clinton to Visit Nebraska... Finally

ByABC News
November 29, 2000, 5:46 AM

K E A R N E Y, Neb., Nov. 29 -- For Nebraska, it may be better late thannever.

President Clinton will complete his tour of all 50 states nextweek with a stop in Nebraska, the only state he hasnt visitedduring his eight years in office.

Speech & Sightseeing

His visit to south-central Nebraska includes a speech at theUniversity of Nebraska at Kearney on Dec. 8, Chancellor GladysStyles Johnston announced Tuesday.

The president also will tour the Great Platte River Road ArchwayMonument, a museum commemorating the nations historic trails thatopened in June.

A White House official said an announcement about Clintons tripto Nebraska was expected Wednesday.

Former Sen. Jim Exon, D-Neb., a board member of the Great PlatteRiver Road Archway Foundation, helped organize the visit.

He said early that he would come to Nebraska and he kept hisword, Exon said. Im delighted hes coming.

Bragging Rights?

The states Republican Party faithful have relished the factthat the Cornhusker State is the only state that Clinton hasntvisited as president. Republican Gov. Mike Johanns even braggedabout it during the roll call at the GOP National Convention.

If Clinton doesnt visit Nebraska, he would join James Garfieldand Warren G. Harding as the only presidents not to have visitedthe state since Nebraskas admission to the union in 1867. BothGarfield and Harding died before completing their terms.

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