Tipper Gore In and Out of Public Eye

ByABC News
August 17, 2000, 4:49 PM

— -- Shes a mother of four, grandmother of one, a photographer, and a drummer. Shes hoping to add first lady to the list as well.

If she and her husband move to the White House in January 2001, Elizabeth Tipper Gore would follow in the footsteps of Hillary Rodham Clinton. But Mrs. Gore is likely to carve out a very different niche for herself.

Whereas Mrs. Clinton has displayed an appetite for legislative policy rivaling that of her husband, which she demonstrated by tackling albeit unsuccessfully the high-profile task of overhauling the nations health care system, observers say Mrs. Gore would likely adopt the role of activist rather than policy wonk.

Family Woman

She was born Mary Elizabeth Aitcheson on Aug. 19, 1948. She was raised in Arlington, Va. Her mother nicknamed her Tipper. She earned a bachelors degree in psychology from Boston University in 1970, and married Al Gore on May 19, 1970. She has described their first attraction as pure animal magnetism. Five years later, she earned a masters degree in psychology from George Peabody College at Vanderbilt University in 1975.

She worked as a photographer for The Tennessean newspaper until her husband was elected to Congress in 1976. She and her husband have four children: Karenna, Kristin, Sarah and Albert. On July 4, 1999, Karenna and her husband, Dr. Drew Schiff, gave birth to their first son, Wyatt Gore Schiff. Wyatt is the Gores first grandchild.

While she is known to guard her familys privacy carefully, Mrs. Gore has braved the political spotlight on numerous occasions.

Tippers Crusades

Her first major foray into the political arena came in 1985, when she took on the music industry. She co-founded the Parents Music Resource Center, and called for warning labels on music containing violent or sexually explicit lyrics. Gore took a lot of heat for her efforts, being cast as a prude and a crusading culture cop. She has since been less outspoken on the issue, but continues to urge parents to press for less violence and sex in music and other entertainment.

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