Possible Trump VP Pick Flynn Supports Abortion Rights: 'Women Have to Be Able to Choose'

“I think women have to be able to choose," Flynn said on "This Week."

ByABC News
July 10, 2016, 11:06 AM

— -- The chatter around who will be presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick has turned to an dark horse prospect — retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. With that new attention comes scrutiny, and some of Flynn’s positions put him at odds with GOP orthodoxy.

In an interview on ABC’s “This Week,” Flynn, a former chief of the Defense Intelligence Agency, shared his views on some key social issues, including his pro-choice stance.

“I think women have to be able to choose … sort of, the right of choice,” he said. “They are the ones that have to make the decision because they’re the ones that are going to decide to bring up that child or not.”

On same-sex marriage, Flynn also veered from the GOP platform. “What people do in their private lives, these are not big issues that our country’s dealing with,” he said, not directly addressing the issue.

The Trump campaign is seriously considering Flynn for the No. 2 spot on the ticket.

Asked by ABC’s Martha Raddatz on “This Week” if he wanted to be vice president, Flynn said that while he didn’t know if he was being vetted by the Trump campaign, he is honored to be a part of the conversation

“It’s amazing to me, for a kid from a little town in the smallest state in the union, Rhode Island,” said Flynn. “It’s a pretty big deal.”

He served 33 years in the Army, until 2014, most recently as the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, appointed by President Barack Obama. Flynn is advising Trump on foreign policy and national security issues.

In the interview, Flynn addressed reports that he is a registered Democrat. He said he grew up “in a very strong Democratic family” but that he feels the party has changed. He did not say whether he has altered his registration.

“I vote for leaders,” he said, “and, honestly, I didn’t vote much in the military because I served whoever is the commander-in-chief.”

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