'Unfriend' or 'Defriend?' Facebook Fans Debate

"Unfriend" is top word of 2009 but some say it should be "defriend."

ByABC News
November 17, 2009, 12:25 PM

Nov. 17, 2009— -- When you take the leap and (gasp!) remove someone as a "friend" on Facebook, what do you call it?

This week, the New Oxford American Dictionary -- OAD for short -- announced that the 2009 Word of the Year is "unfriend," as in "to remove someone as a 'friend' on a social networking site."

Describing it as a word with "real lex-appeal" on Oxford University Press USA's blog, Christine Lindberg, a senior lexicographer for the publisher, said, "It has both currency and longevity."

But no sooner had Oxford unveiled its top word of the year than Facebook fans erupted with commentary.

Though some say "unfriend" is indeed the verb they use to describe the action of axing a "friend" from their social networks. Others say the OAD's pick was DOA.

"It should be de-friend, not unfriend. I've been using facebook since it began and do not agree with unfriend. (and I guarantee my facebook friends would agree with me)," commented one Facebooker on the publisher's blog.

Another chimed in: "I also use 'defriend' and have never heard of 'unfriend.' For the record, I'm 24 and use Facebook most regularly. I first signed onto Facebook when I was 19, right when it opened up to my college."

But the new word of the year is not without its backers.

"No, unfriend is definitely more lexy," wrote another commenter. "Defriend misses the whole point and is both boring and uncreative. Unfriend should be compared to undo – which is in social networking exactly what one does. It's not befriending someone and making acquaintances in reverse, it's just undoing a function – unhitting the friend button."

Adam Ostrow, editor-in-chief of the social networking blog Mashable, said that when he posted a write-up about Oxford's decision, a similar debate broke out on his site.

"It's kind of something where people, commenters on our site, see an opportunity to slam the old, out-of-touch entity," he said.

But, Ostrow said that, from his observation, "unfriend" is hardly wrong.

"We've definitely seen both," he said.

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