Twitter's Vine Changes App Store Rating to +17, Adds Social Sharing Features

After reports of pornography, Vine changes the rating of its video app.

ByABC News
February 6, 2013, 11:25 AM

Feb. 6, 2013 — -- Twitter has addressed some of the biggest complaints about its new Vine app, which allows you to share six-second video clips, in a new update.

Following major complaints about pornographic content inside the app, an update released Tuesday night requires users to confirm that they are 17 or older. Previously, the app had a 12+ age rating.

Apple recently pulled photo sharing app 500px from the App Store because it had received complaints about pornographic content in the app. It required the company to resubmit its app to the store with some changes and a different age rating.

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Despite media reports and comments about pornography in Vine, the app was never removed from Apple's store. When reached by ABC News, Twitter and Apple had no comment regarding the rating change.

In addition to the rating adjustment, the new update adds the ability to report users; before you could only report pieces of conten. You can now also block a user; that person's content won't show up in your feed, similar to Twitter. Twitter has already made it harder to search for porn or inappropriate content with the app. In our tests searching for #porn, the app didn't bring up any content.

Version 1.0.5 of the app also brings some much-needed social features. Twitter has added the ability to share Vines, or six-second videos, after you've posted them. This key feature was one that was missing at launch, however. Now after you have created a Vine and published it to your feed, you can share it on Twitter or Facebook after the fact.

Current Vine users can download the new version of the app now. New users will get the changes automatically when they first download the app.

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