‘This Week’ Transcript: Sec. Jeh Johnson, Sen. Elizabeth Warren

ByABC News
April 25, 2014, 12:46 PM
ABC News Political Analyst and ABC News Special Correspondent Matthew Dowd, ABC News Contributor and The Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol, ABC News Contributor and New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman and Fusion's "AM Tonight" Host Alicia Menendez on 'This Week'
ABC News Political Analyst and ABC News Special Correspondent Matthew Dowd, ABC News Contributor and The Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol, ABC News Contributor and New York Times Columnist Paul Krugman and Fusion's "AM Tonight" Host Alicia Menendez on 'This Week'
ABC News

April 27, 2014— -- Below is the rush transcript of "This Week" on April 20, 2014. It may contain errors.


ANNOUNCER: On ABC This Week, targeting terror.


ANNOUNCER: We're all access and behind the scenes with the Homeland Security secretary revealing the new threats that keep him up at night.

JOHNSON: We had two bomb threats. We're looking at everything.

ANNOUNCER: Making history -- Pope Francis elevates two popes to sainthood, hundreds of thousands pack Saint Peters Square. And we're in the middle of it all.

On a mission...

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN, (D) MASSACHUSETTS: Come on, step up your game.

ANNOUNCER: Elizabeth Warren's fiery message is energizing Democrats.

Plus, Robin Roberts looks back on her historic conversation.

ROBIN ROBERTS, GOOD MORNING AMERICA: There was a point where I was thinking to myself can someone else do this interview?

ANNOUNCER: From ABC News, This Week with George Stephanopoulos begins now.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Good morning, lots of ground to cover today. And we begin in Rome where half a million pilgrims now packing Saint Peters Square to witness a moment in history. Two living popes together to canonize two former popes.

ABC's chief foreign correspondent Terry Moran is on the scene for the ceremony. Good morning, Terry.

TERRY MORAN, ABC NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Good morning, George. And what a morning it's been. the atmosphere electric here among the more than a million pilgrims, they believe, showed up. And they streamed into Saint Peters Square, beginning at dawn, filling the place, the long avenues to witness that moment, the high ceremony of the Catholic church.

Pope Francis with Pope Benedict in attendance, making saints of two of their predecessors, John Paul II, John XXIII.

And throughout the crowd really at that moment a remarkable quiet, a sense of reverence in this vast crowd.

Pope Francis concluding the ceremony and touring around in his popemobile, electrifying the crowd even more.

What does it mean for Catholics here? They said now that John Paul II and John XXIII, popes they grew up with, are saints, they feel they have two new friends in heaven.


MORAN: Two popes, two saints: in 2,000 years the Catholic Church has never seen anything like it.

CARDINAL TIMOTHY DOLAN, ARCHDIOCESE OF NEW YORK: Saints are important to us in the Catholic imagination. They're -- we look to them for help.

MORAN: Cardinal Timothy Dolan of the Archdiocese of New York is here, one of more than 100 cardinals arriving from around the world.

DOLAN: These two have such a universal acclaim that you talk about the voice of the faithful, the voice of the people speaking up and saying these two are saints. It's almost like Pope Francis saying, "I agree with you."

MORAN: Both the new saints were men of the media age. They were religious celebrities.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: These are not saints that are in the far pages of history, these are saints who so many of us knew, felt like we knew. We know what they did. They were part of our lives.

MORAN: John Paul II globalized the papacy, making 104 foreign trips, visiting 129 countries. And he arrived on the scene with a vitality that electrified millions, secular as well as religious, even in the United States.

POPE JOHN PAUL II: God bless America.

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