New Airline Seating Could Change the Way We Board Planes

Sliding seats result in wider aisles.

ByABC News
September 28, 2015, 4:41 PM

— -- You're boarding an aircraft. Or trying to. But as everyone takes their time finding seats and loading luggage into the overhead, you wait and wait, wondering if the flight will take off on time.

The problem's even more frustrating when you arrive at your destination and are anxious to deplane. The process can be maddeningly slow.

A new seat design -- called the Side Slip Seat -- could change all that. And it's not just a concept. Hank Scott, CEO of Molon Labe Designs, said his company is preparing for production. He wouldn't disclose which airlines would feature the seat, but he did tell ABC News that 23 airlines have expressed interest in his concept.

A new airline seating design could mean faster boarding and deplaning.
A new airline seating design could mean faster boarding and deplaning.

The Side Slip Seat allows for wider aisles, which not only speeds up loading and unloading of passengers, but is helpful in emergencies. The three-seat design has dedicated armrest space for all three passengers.

Scott said he has a background in ergonomics and flight testing/cabin design. He found a partner, he said, in Kevin Van Liere, an expert in concept development.

"We are halfway through the FAA Certification process and expect first deliveries in summer next year," Scott said. "I’m actually sitting in one of the seats right now here in Denver."