Massachusetts Researchers Identify Two Great White Sharks Close to Shore

Researchers are in the second year of a five year shark population study.

ByABC News
August 3, 2015, 1:14 PM

— -- Two great white sharks were spotted off the Massachusetts coast.

The photos -- shared Sunday by the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy -- show a research boat close to one of the two sharks they were able to positively identify on July 28.

“We spotted multiple sharks on Tuesday and got enough footage of two for the scientists to ID them,” Atlantic White Shark Conservancy president Cynthia Wigren told ABC News today.

Researchers working with the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy identified two great white sharks on July 28, 2015.

Some of the sharks got as close as a quarter-mile away from the shore, while others were further out, Wigren said.

Marine Fisheries Biologist John Chisholm was on board the boat, while a photographer was able to get aerial photos of the research encounter.

The conservancy is working alongside Chisholm -- who did not immediately respond to ABC News’ request for comment -- to complete a five-year white shark study to determine how many white sharks are in the Cape Cod area.

Researchers working with the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy identified two great white sharks on July 28, 2015.

In 2014, the first year of the study, they were able to identify and record 68 white sharks.

Wigren said this season, 16 new sharks have been identified and three have been tagged.

“Activity so far is greater than last year, but the season doesn’t end until the end of October,” she said.