Clinton Awards Freedom Medals

ByABC News
August 10, 2000, 12:31 AM

W A S H I N G T O N, Aug. 9 -- An emotional President Clinton praised thekeen intellect and loving heart of sometime political rivalthe Rev. Jesse Jackson, and the leadership of the iconoclastic generalwho disagreed with his strategy during the Kosovo air war, as hebestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom on 15 people today.

Clintons voice grew thin as he listed the accomplishments ofAmericans as diverse as Jackson, retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark,economist John Kenneth Galbraith, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan,D-N.Y., former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman retired Adm. WilliamCrowe and former Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern.

From the founding of our nation it has been the duty of eachgeneration to achieve freedom all over again, to expand it, todeepen its meaning, to widen the circle of those who are includedas full citizens, Clinton said at a packed ceremony in the EastRoom of the White House.

Today we honor 15 men and women who have done exactly that,Clinton said. They have helped America to achieve freedom.

Jackson is considered both a Clinton ally and a fly in thepresidential ointment. The civil rights leader is a frequent sightat the White House, even though he flirted briefly with the idea ofchallenging Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Jackson prayed with the Clinton family after the presidentdisclosed his extramarital affair with Monica Lewinsky, but defiedClinton advisers last year by going to Yugoslavia to retrieve threeAmerican soldiers held as prisoners.

Friendly Oratory RivalsAn orator at least as gifted as Clinton, Jackson sometimesoutshines the president. Clinton jokingly acknowledged therhetorical rivalry today.

You are now about to witness one of the best things about thisceremony, Clinton said. For a chance, I dont have to followJesse Jackson.

After the ceremony, Jackson praised the Clinton administrationfor promoting the most inclusive America, but did not paperover his differences with the White House.

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