Obamacare: Good for Our Country, Good for Hispanics [Opinion]

Here's how the Affordable Care Act will benefit Hispanics

ByABC News
September 30, 2013, 9:39 AM
Daniel Martinez (back to camera) an aide to Florida State Rep. Manny Diaz speaks to protesters about Diaz's stance against the expansion of healthcare coverage on September 20, 2013 in Miami. As the protest took place, the Republican led House in Washington, D.C. by a 230-189 tally passed a short-term government spending plan that would eliminate all funding for "Obamacare."
Daniel Martinez (back to camera) an aide to Florida State Rep. Manny Diaz speaks to protesters about Diaz's stance against the expansion of healthcare coverage on September 20, 2013 in Miami. As the protest took place, the Republican led House in Washington, D.C. by a 230-189 tally passed a short-term government spending plan that would eliminate all funding for "Obamacare."
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Sept. 30, 2013— -- The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is one of the most critically important pieces of legislation for Hispanics ever crafted.

Make no mistake, this landmark legislation will improve the lives of all Americans. But no community stands to gain more than Hispanics. Currently millions of Hispanics in the United States lack health care. The ACA makes 9 million Hispanics eligible for coverage they currently lack. Millions of Hispanic seniors are now paying less for prescription drugs and lifetime caps on coverage are a thing of the past. No one who is eligible can be denied medical insurance.

This is especially important for a baby boy named Houston Tracy from Crowley, Texas. Houston was born with a heart defect just days before the passage of the Affordable Care Act and was deemed uninsurable from birth because he was deemed to have a preexisting condition at the moment he was born. His case drew national attention, and eventually his private insurance company backed down under pressure. Today, under the Affordable Care Act, no child will suffer the indignity baby Houston met. Insurers can't deny children coverage over a medical need. It also means Houston will grow up never having to to worry about going broke if he needs constant care, because the ACA removes lifetime limits on healthcare coverage for everyone.

Who could possibly want to deny people like Houston the ability to live without worrying about going into debt because of his health care needs? Who would want to stand in the way of helping so many people gain health care coverage? The GOP that's who, sadly my friends across the aisle have been consumed with defunding the ACA. Which is a real shame; it's not just Hispanics who benefit from the ACA. It's the American middle class, which happens to include a large number of Hispanics. It appears the GOP isn't so concerned with the middle class or Hispanics these days.

Let's be clear, the ACA is already helping our country. For some reason Republicans are fighting to stop insurance companies from providing billions of dollars in refunds to all Americans on their health insurance plans. The GOP wants to stop Senior citizens from receiving 50 percent discounts on brand name medications. And they want to deny those with pre-existing conditions health insurance.

But then this law is about more than just improving the health care of all Americans, it is about personal responsibility. This law asks everyone to take responsibility for their health care and improving our health care system. By giving more Hispanics access to health coverage, we are lowering medical costs for everyone. Remember, for the 85 percent of Americans who already have health insurance, the only changes they will see under the law are new benefits, better protections from insurance company abuses, and more value for every dollar they spend on health care. If they like their plan they can keep it, they do not have to change a thing due to the health care law.