Dear ABC News Fixer: Just Married, Just Ran Into Joint Banking Problems

Dear Estela: Here are tips for better banking for newlywed military couples.

ByABC News
October 29, 2013, 2:37 PM
Follow these tips for better newlywed banking.
Follow these tips for better newlywed banking.
Getty Images

Oct. 29, 2013 — -- Dear ABC New Fixer: My son is serving our country in Kuwait. He left on Oct. 5. He and his newlywed wife were given less than one month to prepare.

She was left with the responsibility to pay the bills and be his support and strength here at home. On Oct. 15, she went to Union Bank to show them her power of attorney document to get access to their funds and pay their bills. The bank employee said her document didn't have a notary seal, so they could not accept it.

That night, she found the correct document that was notarized and took it to the bank the next day. They told her my son's signature does not match. (He had opened the account when he was in high school.) They treated her like she forged the documents.

She showed them their marriage license, documents showing deployments and other documents with his signature. I, as his mom, called the corporate office's customer service; they suggested my daughter-in-law try another branch. She did, but they wouldn't give her access because the other branch had made notes of these issues.

- Estela Moreno, Running Springs, Calif.

Dear Estela: By the time we got this letter, your new daughter-in-law was so frustrated she was ready to switch her hubby's direct deposit to another bank. We can only imagine how tricky that would be.

We had a little better luck after contacting a senior VP at Union Bank in Los Angeles and explaining what happened. They were able to clear up the misunderstanding and get the local branch to accept the notarized power of attorney document, so now your daughter-in-law is good to go.

As for how to prevent this: We get the whole individual bank account thing – newlyweds often keep their original accounts for a while before plunging forward with a joint checking account. But military spouses should make sure both names are on such accounts because you never know when duty may call.

Here's some more advice for all new military spouses:

- The ABC News Fixer

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