Timber thieves leave trail of destruction

ByABC News
December 31, 2007, 1:05 AM

WHITESBURG, Ky. -- The crime scene: once-wooded land marked by tire tracks and tree stumps.

"It's just like someone cut your heart out," says Verna Potter, 77, who lost an estimated $50,000 worth of generations-old oak trees, which were taken from her property and sold, without permission, while she was away.

Rogue loggers have long preyed on private properties from coast to coast, taking advantage of the elderly, the absent or in Potter's case both. They traditionally had little to fear from law enforcement officials hesitant to pursue criminal charges, instead chalking up most complaints to property disputes. But as timber values rise, so have the stakes for landowners.

"The authorities who have dealt with it as a property matter are starting to look at it as more of a criminal matter," said Joseph Phaneuf, executive director of the Northeastern Loggers' Association.

In recent years, there's been a steady movement to curb illegal logging. Some states, such as Mississippi and Virginia, have established specific timber-theft laws, making illegal logging on private property a felony punishable by jail time. New York started timber theft-prevention campaigns that warn property owners of the common claims thieves make when caught red-handed.

In Kentucky, the problem has resulted in the formation of the Appalachian Roundtable, a non-profit that joins forestry experts, attorneys, law enforcement and victims to alert landowners to logging scams and pursue criminal charges against timber thieves. The group is drafting legislation to be introduced in the 2008 Kentucky General Assembly to make timber theft a felony punishable by a prison sentence.

With foreign demand for North American hardwoods growing, theft has become a more costly issue for private landowners, whose tree farms and woodlands make up 55% of U.S. timber production, forestry officials say. Few track cases nationwide, but a 2003 Virginia Tech University study estimated that landowners lose in excess of $4 million to timber thieves each year in the otherwise poor but hardwood-rich Appalachian states.