'Good Will Hunting' Fans Find the Perfect Way to Honor Robin Williams

The iconic film role earned Williams the Academy Award.

ByABC News
August 12, 2014, 1:54 AM

— -- The older man sits next to the younger man on the bench, the one overlooking the water, talking about life.

Could have been any two men, but it happened to be Robin Williams and Matt Damon, in a famous scene from 1997’s “Good Will Hunting.” Williams’ performance as Dr. Sean Maguire, a therapist struggling with the death of his wife, earned Williams the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.

“You know what occurred to me? You’re just a kid, and you don’t have the faintest idea of what you’re talking about,” Williams’ character says during the scene.

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As the camera focuses on Maguire, he shares his lessons. Women. War. Art. Sickness. Loss. Damon’s Will Hunting sits, listening – “cocky, scared,” as Maguire calls him before issuing an ultimatum.

“Your move, chief,” he says.

After Williams’ death Monday, age 63, that bench – located in Boston Public Garden – became a place of reflection, with his famous lines from the movie written in chalk.

Nick Rabchenuk left flowers at the bench, too.

Among the statements written in chalk: “Sorry guys, I went to see about a girl,” a callback to one of the movie’s most famous lines, the older man and the younger man, talking about life.

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