Paris Jackson on '13 Reasons Why': It's 'extremely triggering'

"Please only watch this show with caution," she wrote.

ByABC News
April 28, 2017, 10:53 AM

— -- Paris Jackson took to Instagram to praise the show "13 Reasons Why" for its highlight the problem of teenage bullying, but also to warn those like herself who have attempted suicide that they should watch "with caution."

The Netflix show tells the story of a teen girl who commits suicide, then through a series of recordings she made before her death calls out those who she believes wronged her. The show has spurred debate, including among parents and schools with some schools having recently sent letters home to parents about the show.

Jackson, 19, who earlier this year told Rolling Stone magazine that she attempted to take her own life just four years ago, wrote a very balanced note about "13 Reasons Why" on Instagram, emphasizing that it's "important to spread towards people that are struggling with depression or anxiety, self-harm, and or suicidal thoughts" before they watch the show.

"This show was an amazing way to get the message across to bullies that they need to stop doing what they are doing, it really did a good job of showing how impactful words and actions can be to other human beings. you can't just do or say things to people without thinking about how it will affect them," she praised the show at first.

But, she added, "at the same time" the 13-episode series is "extremely triggering thing to watch."

Dylan Minnette in Netflix's "13 Reasons Why."

In the January interview with Rolling Stone, Jackson aid that when she was 15 she took 20 Motrin pills and slit her wrist in a suicide attempt. Toward the end of "13 Reasons Why," the main character's death is shown, as she sits in the tub before taking her life. Her parents later find her.

"Please only watch this show with caution and keep in mind that it may put you in a dark place," Jackson warned on Instagram yesterday. "If you are struggling please don't watch it. if you think you can handle it, please by all means check it out."

This message from Jackson comes after some schools have issued similar words of caution to parents.

Andrew Evangelista, a mental health coordinator for the public schools in Montclair, New Jersey, wrote such a letter after watching the series. “There were a lot of questions I had, about how the girl was portrayed and the lack of mental health resources that were available to her," he told ABC News.

In an interview last night with E! News, executive producer Selena Gomez stood behind the show.

"I just wanted it to come across in a way that kids would be frightened, but confused — in a way that they would talk about it because it's something that's happening all the time," she said of teenage suicide. "So, I’m overwhelmed that it’s doing as well as it’s doing."