Prince William and Princess Kate Spend Night at St. Andrews, Where They Met

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are also visiting Dundee, Scotland.

ByABC News
October 23, 2015, 12:57 PM
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge are seen during their visit to the original Royal Research Ship Discovery,Oct. 23, 2015 in Dundee, Scotland.
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge are seen during their visit to the original Royal Research Ship Discovery,Oct. 23, 2015 in Dundee, Scotland.
Danny Lawson/WPA Pool/Getty Images

— -- The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge spent a night Thursday in St. Andrews, Scotland, where they first fell in love, before heading to Dundee today for a day of engagements.

William and Kate, both 33, studied history of art and geography at St. Andrews University and shared a farm house with several friends as college students. Their night away was spent at the Old Course Hotel overlooking Scotland's world famous golf course with the windswept sea and bluffs only miles away.

The Duke and Duchess spent last night in St Andrews, where they first met @univofstandrews

Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) October 23, 2015

At the St. Andrews University 600th anniversary dinner in New York City last year, Prince William reflected on the importance on his time with Kate while an undergraduate.

"I have been able to lead as 'normal' a student life as I could have hoped for and I'm very grateful to everyone, particularly the locals," William said at the time.

While in Dundee, Prince William and Kate are trying to lessen the stigma surrounding mental illness. They are taking part in an anti-bullying workshop and meeting young people with mental health challenges. The couple has made the issue of mental health one of the cornerstones of their official and charitable work.

The Duke & Duchess are in Dundee for a full day of engagements, focussing on the mental wellbeing of young people

Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) October 23, 2015

The couple's first order of business today, though, was saying hello to the people of Dundee who cheered their future king and queen.

As usual, the public was curious about William and Kate's young family, which includes 2-year-old Prince George and 5-month-old Princess Charlotte. One well-wisher asked Kate if William was still riding his motorcycle.

"He's still riding it," Kate revealed. "It always fills me with horror when he goes out on it. I'm terrified. Hopefully I'm going to keep George off of it."

Another local asked the future queen about Scottish country dancing, to which Kate confessed that she and William "weren't very good."

Prince William admitted to one little girl who told him she liked math that he wasn't very good at the subject.

Kate looked spectacular wearing a royal blue coat designed by Scottish favorite Christopher Kane and, in a nod to her hosts' culture, donned a matching kilt by Kane as well. Kate famously wore one of Kane’s signature coats at the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony in 2012.

PHOTO: Duchess of Cambridge arrives at RSS Discovery, Oct. 23, 2015, in Dundee, Scotland.
Duchess of Cambridge arrives at RSS Discovery, Oct. 23, 2015, in Dundee, Scotland.

Today’s blue hounds tooth coat was perfect for chilly Scotland. Kate accessorized the coat with a pair of Aquatalia boots and her staple, a clutch, to round off the outfit.

It was a packed day for the royal couple, with five different engagements. They also met with schoolchildren and attended a performance at the Dundee Repertory Theatre. Kate was also seen behind the wheel of the ship Discovery.

The Duke & Duchess visit @DiscoveryDundee, which carried Scott & Shackleton on their first Antarctic expedition

Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) October 23, 2015

The couple will later participate in a seminar with kids involved in BAFTA's Young Game Designer Programme. Prince William is president of BAFTA, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts.

William and Kate's trip to Scotland came after a busy week where the second-in-line to the British throne and his bride took center stage next to Her Majesty at their first State Banquet honoring China's President Xi Jinping.

At the St. Andrews University 600th anniversary dinner in New York City last year, Prince William reflected on the importance on his time with Kate while an undergraduate.

\"I have been able to lead as 'normal' a student life as I could have hoped for and I'm very grateful to everyone, particularly the locals,\" William said at the time.

While in Dundee, Prince William and Kate are trying to lessen the stigma surrounding mental illness. They are taking part in an anti-bullying workshop and meeting young people with mental health challenges. The couple has made the issue of mental health one of the cornerstones of their official and charitable work.

The Duke & Duchess are in Dundee for a full day of engagements, focussing on the mental wellbeing of young people

— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) October 23, 2015

The couple's first order of business today, though, was saying hello to the people of Dundee who cheered their future king and queen.

As usual, the public was curious about William and Kate's young family, which includes 2-year-old Prince George and 5-month-old Princess Charlotte. One well-wisher asked Kate if William was still riding his motorcycle.

\"He's still riding it,\" Kate revealed. \"It always fills me with horror when he goes out on it. I'm terrified. Hopefully I'm going to keep George off of it.\"

Another local asked the future queen about Scottish country dancing, to which Kate confessed that she and William \"weren't very good.\"

Prince William admitted to one little girl who told him she liked math that he wasn't very good at the subject.

Kate looked spectacular wearing a royal blue coat designed by Scottish favorite Christopher Kane and, in a nod to her hosts' culture, donned a matching kilt by Kane as well. Kate famously wore one of Kane’s signature coats at the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony in 2012.

Today’s blue hounds tooth coat was perfect for chilly Scotland. Kate accessorized the coat with a pair of Aquatalia boots and her staple, a clutch, to round off the outfit.

It was a packed day for the royal couple, with five different engagements. They also met with schoolchildren and attended a performance at the Dundee Repertory Theatre. Kate was also seen behind the wheel of the ship Discovery.

The Duke & Duchess visit @DiscoveryDundee, which carried Scott & Shackleton on their first Antarctic expedition

— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) October 23, 2015

The couple will later participate in a seminar with kids involved in BAFTA's Young Game Designer Programme. Prince William is president of BAFTA, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts.

William and Kate's trip to Scotland came after a busy week where the second-in-line to the British throne and his bride took center stage next to Her Majesty at their first State Banquet honoring China's President Xi Jinping.

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