Furlong Arrested Twice in One Night

ByABC News
October 12, 2001, 1:55 PM

October 9 -- Terminator 2 star Edward Furlong continues to find himself on the wrong side of the law.

The 24-year-old actor, who recently did a month-long stint at the Promises rehab center in Malibu, Calif., was arrested Sept. 25 in West Hollywood, Calif., for driving without a license, Us Weekly reports. The actor's car was impounded, but just four hours later, he was arrested again and charged with driving under the influence after getting involved in a traffic accident on Hollywood's Sunset Strip, according to the magazine.

With him was his girlfriend, actress Jolene Blalock, who plays the hottie Vulcan on the new Star Trek series, Enterprise. Just this morning, the 26-year-old Blalock told Los Angeles' KROQ-FM that she had a new relationship that was "going very well," but wouldn't reveal the name of the lucky fellow.Furlong's partying ex-partners include exhibitionist heiress Paris Hilton and American Pie actress Natasha Lyonne, who was arrested herself last month on suspicion of drunk driving. Lyonne's infamous words at the time of her arrest were, "I'm a movie star." Er, for now, that is.