How to Live Without Makeup (Or At Least, With Less)

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 8, 2007, 4:29 PM

Jan. 9, 2007 — -- The idea of a week without makeup is enough to make waterproof mascara streak down many a rouged cheek. But according to one makeup expert, the challenge is a worthwhile one for women to consider.

"It's good to give your skin a breather from wearing makeup," said Erin Flaherty, beauty director of Jane magazine. "As much fun as it is to play with makeup, it can be as confidence-boosting, if not more so, to go without it."

Every month, Flaherty strips a young woman of her creams, powders, glosses and shadows to reveal the natural beauty beneath in Jane's monthly "Makeunder."

"The modern aesthetic is not a face with makeup. It's not chic anymore," she said. "We try to narrow down their skin products, their hair products and their makeup products."

When women aren't worrying about goopy mascara or cakey foundation, they can concentrate on living life instead of looking pretty.

"A lot of women don't have much time for themselves. Cutting out all this time spent in front of the mirror can actually give you some extra quality time," Flaherty said.

Flaherty offered tips for women who want go sans makeup as well as those who want to cut down on their arsenal of products. Follow her advice and breaking free from an oppressive makeup routine will be as easy as dumping last season's lip gloss.