Excerpt: 'Someone Not Really Her Mother'

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 21, 2004, 8:47 AM

Sept. 21, 2004 -- "Someone Not Really Her Mother" is part of "Good Morning America's" "Read This!" series. Read an excerpt from the book posted below.

This latest installment in "GMA's" book series was chosen by Roxanne Coady of the R.J. Julia Booksellers (www.rjjulia.com) in Madison, Connecticut. Roxanne and her staff read close to 100 books before they chose Someone Not Really Her Mother for the "Read This!" book club selection.

Read the following excerpt from "Someone Not Really Her Mother" by Harriet Scott Chessman.


Morning here is not like any mornings Hannah Pearl has ever known. First, the young woman with hair the color of honey comes in. Her hair spills out of the barrette. She's wearing a blue -- uniform.

"Upsy-daisy, Hannah!" she says, raising Hannah's bed. "Here's your glasses!" She opens them up and puts them on Hannah's nose. "And here's your medicine." On the young woman's uniform is a small -- something -- with Roxie on it. Of course she is Roxie. Hannah swallows her pills, one at a time, with water.

On this morning, the young woman -- how is she called? -- adds, "You're having a visitor today, Hannah." She smiles as she flips Hannah's quilt off, and her sheets. "Time for the bathroom."

One arm behind Hannah's back, one holding Hannah's right hand, the young woman pulls her upright. Slowly, Hannah sits on the edge of the bed. The young woman bends to pull on Hannah's slippers, her honeyed hair almost touching Hannah's knees.

"All set, Hannah. Now here's your walker."

"Merci, mademoiselle."

"I love it when you call me that! Mademoiselle. I've got to get my boyfriend to call me that, it's so elegant." She holds Hannah's elbow gently.

Hannah holds on to the silver handles and walks slowly to the bathroom. The young woman helps Hannah sit on the toilet. While she waits for Hannah, she looks into the mirror quickly, and tucks a strand of hair around her ear.

"Sharon will come give you your shower in a few minutes. So don't you want to know who your visitor will be, Hannah?"