Excerpt: 'The Maker's Diet'

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 12, 2004, 1:51 PM

April 13 -- In The Maker's Diet, Jordan Rubin outlines a holistic approach to health that includes a biblically inspired diet rich in whole foods from organically grown resources.

Here is an excerpt from the book:

Chapter 7: Seven Victims Find Victory

Disappointment in modern conventional medicine is the hard reality experienced by millions of Americans. Some maintain they were lied to and even discarded by healthcare systems and providers. Others simply exhausted all of their options in a search for health that was forever lost to disease, accidents, or nutrition-related health problems.

While personal testimonies cannot take the place of scientifically controlled studies or independent research, neither should they be ignored or set aside. They are a vital part of the process of scientific inquiry and discovery.

I have selected seven people who experienced significant results on the Maker's Diet. They represent a cross-section of people who first sought help through standard medical healthcare without success and were desperate to recover their health, as God intended them to enjoy. Some had been disappointed with the conventional and alternative medical community. Others received life-saving procedures but discovered that to regain their total health required more than was available from the conventional medical system.

Suffering the "System"

Let me affirm again that I understand that most doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers are sincere, highly gifted, and dedicated in their work. However, they are part of a larger healthcare system in this country that is motivated by goals that may not have the public's best interest at heart. Some for-profit health maintenance organizations (HMOs), for instance, have won nationwide disdain for their tendency to maximize profits while minimizing healthcare services and expenditures to protect those profits.1