Book Excerpt: 'Category 7'

The book chronicles a super hurricane named Simone, which is headed to New York.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 10, 2007, 9:56 AM

July 11, 2007 — -- New York's WABC-TV meteorologist Bill Evans teamed up with novelist Marianna Jameson to write "Category 7."

The book focuses on a a group of weather folk and a hurricane named Simone. Simone is a huge storm headed straight for Manhattan. But it turns out, the storm is not a natural phenomenon. A semimad scientist named Carter Thompson has learned how to create hurricanes and direct their paths.

You can read an excerpt from the book below.

Rain lashed through the hellishly hot Saharan sky, hurling itself groundward with chaotic fury only to evaporate before it made contact with the dying earth. The newly dry air was sucked up again into the wet layer to repeat its journey until the storm subsided.

An hour later the edge of the desert was as it had been days, months, and years before, revealing no signs of having been changed by the storm. Heat shimmered over still-parched, endlessly shifting sands, sending eddies of fine dust into a sky brilliant with unrelenting light. The very air seemed to glitter as sunlight sparked away from the myriad minute planes of mica and silica particles the earth sacrificed to the sky in convective obedience.

Some of the grains of sand and minerals, the spores and bacteria, had already traveled untold distances. Abandoned by winds long since vanquished, they had lain here for days or decades ready to be lifted once again to the sky. Some particles came from the beds of ancient seas and primeval jungles; others were more recent, formed only a few millennia ago when the earth writhed, heaving rock and ash into chaotic skies as it gave birth to the African lands, the implacable massifs and the dusty plains encircling them.

Smaller than dust and immeasurably light, the particles were swept upward and overland, floating westward on the hot winds, taking with them the harsh and timeless lessons of the desert. Without will, without desire, they hovered over dunes as the airstream steadied. Silent travelers, they dipped to the earth and rose above it, blinding eddies in a river of wind, and swept over scoured plains that kept untold secrets, that hid the treasures and the miseries of civilizations long dead.