Robin Gives Her '8 Rules to Live By'

Read an excerpt of Robin Roberts' book.

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 7, 2008, 2:34 PM

Oct. 8, 2008 — -- The last year has been a life changing one for "Good Morning America" anchor Robin Roberts. She successfully battled breast cancer and returned to her spot on the Emmy-winning morning show.

Before her diagnosis, Roberts had "Seven Rules to Live By," but now she has eight. Read an excerpt from her book "From the Heart: Eight Rules to Live By" below or click here to read her personal essay.

Make Your Mess Your Message

…when I said: "Isn't it wonderful how life can surprise you?" I never thought I'd write a book, but I did. And I never thought I would be diagnosed with breast cancer. But that's exactly what happened just a few months after the release of the book.

I was enjoying my summer. Traveling around the country meeting folks and asking them their rules to live by. I was about to leave for a rare two-week vacation when my beloved colleague and friend, Joel Siegel, lost his battle with colon cancer. I delayed my trip so I could attend Joel's funeral. It was a beautiful service, filled with wonderful stories of Joel's strength and courage. We also laughed a lot. Joel had a terrific sense of humor, and the laughter soothed our broken hearts.

Right after the service I headed to Key West to begin my vacation with dear friends. It was a delightful week full of sun and plenty of fun, but Joel was never far from my mind. We decided to have a tribute show for him on Good Morning America a week after his passing. I had hopped out to San Diego to deliver a commencement address, so I caught a red-eye and flew back overnight so I could be there.

Many of our former colleagues joined Diane and me to remember Joel. Former GMA hosts David Hartman and Joan Lunden were there, along with former GMA weatherman Spencer Christian, and, of course, Charlie Gibson. They had all worked with Joel and become good friends over the years. I did a piece about Joel's courageous battle with colon cancer, including his own reflections, taped when he was alive. Joel spoke about how hard it was to hear from his doctor that if he had gotten a colonoscopy at the age of fifty instead of fifty-three, the outcome might have been different. As he fought his own illness, Joel made it his mission to encourage people to have regular cancer screenings.

After the show, I lingered to talk with our medical editor, Dr. Tim Johnson. I was angry that cancer had taken Joel. "How many people have to die before we do something about this awful disease?" I demanded. "So much money has been invested in fighting cancer, so much time has been spent—but where do we stand?" I wanted answers. Tim assured me that great and significant medical advances were being made, but that we also had to do our part. We must be diligent when it comes to our own health care, especially screening for early detection. I knew he was right, but to tell you the truth, it didn't really hit home.