Excerpt: 'The Old Man and the Cat'

Read an excerpt of Lance Smith's children's book, "The Old Man and the Cat."

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 4, 2008, 8:42 AM

Dec. 4, 2008 — -- Lance Smith is the face of Country Music Television and interviews some of the genre's biggest stars. But now the country music enthusiast has embarked on a new journey writing a children's book.

His new book is called "The Old Man and the Cat" and you can read an excerpt below. See Lance Smith's web site at LanceSmith.net.

Then check out more books in the the "GMA" library.

The cat he sat ready

So keen and so steady

To pounce on the end of the line

He imagined the sight

To his hunger's delight

Of the fish on which he would dine.