Naughty or Nice, Hunky Santa Delivers

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 13, 2006, 7:31 AM

Dec. 13, 2006 — -- In a town where beauty is everything, even Santa is good-looking, with bulging biceps.

For years, true believers have come to the Beverly Center in Los Angeles to sit on old Santa's lap and tell him what they want for Christmas.

Every day at 5 p.m., though, Hunky Santa comes to town and takes the night shift.

He arrives in a red convertible, with his eye-catching female helpers. In true Los Angeles fashion, he hands his keys to the valet.

He's younger and leaner, and if the goal is to get people excited about holiday shopping, it's working.

"And those muscles! Have you seen his arms? Oh my god!" said shopper Samantha Olaya.

Not everyone is sold, though.

"I'm a traditionalist, I guess, and I'd go with, you know, white, snowcapped and jolly," Courtney Watkins said. "Is that fellow even wearing a shirt?"

Hunky Santa said he gets a lot of interested looks.

"Well, at first they do a double take, but then they get in a little closer," he said.

Some adult visitors, like Monica Pecarovich, even sit on his lap.

"Have you been good?" Hunky Santa asked her.

"I've been so good this year," Pecarovich said. "I'm ready to be naughty!"