Small, Efficient and Hip: Smart Cars

Mercedes will debut its Smart Car in the states early next year.

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 8, 2007, 8:58 AM

Aug. 8, 2007 — -- With gas prices on the rise and commutes not getting any shorter, many Americans are looking for some relief and they won't find it in the comfort of their huge sport utility vehicles. But drivers will have at least one new option on the road early next year.

The Smart Car is the minuscule car seen all over the streets of Europe and it's headed to America.

It's less than half the size of an SUV. Blink and you might miss the perky, pint-size two-seater a car that could change the way America drives forever.

More than a quarter of a million of the $12,000 Smart Cars, made by Mercedes, have already sold in Europe. But some question whether the tiny auto will be accepted in the United States, where big cars still rule the roads.

"People like a design statement. People like things that are cute and say something about them," AutoWeek editor Dutch Mandel said.

At 40 miles per gallon, the Smart Car nearly doubles the gas mileage of the popular Toyota Camry, which gets 24 mpg, and dwarfs the GMC Suburban's meager 15 mpg.

It's even three feet shorter than the other small sensation the Mini Cooper, but it's still three feet longer than a bicycle.

While the Smart Car may not be ideal for a family of four, the tiny size has its perks. Nothing beats easy parking and you can almost fit two Smart Cars in one average-size parking space.

But is safety compromised for size?

"It's something that you cannot deny. Physics will dictate a smaller object hits a larger object and the smaller object is not going to win that battle," Mandell said.

The manufacturer points out that the Smart Car is built with three layers of reinforced steel and four air bags.

Dave Schembri, head of Smart U.S.A., said, "At top speed of 90 miles an hour, the safety management is amazing, just like the car. This safety cell acts like a NASCAR roll cage."

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