Clever Grocery Store Bargains

Grocery stores offer new discounts on DVDs, photos, gas, cards and more.

ByABC News via GMA logo
February 6, 2008, 11:06 AM

Feb. 6, 2008— -- I am always looking for ways to simplify everyday tasks and errands.

I've noticed recently that grocery stores are offering more services at lower prices than traditional outlets and are adding non-grocery services, so that I can accomplish several errands on one shopping trip.

Here are some of the "surprising bargains" I've seen:

Although grocery and drugstores have offered photo development services for years, many now offer online services just like national sites like Shutterfly and Snapfish.

Although these sites offer very low print costs, the shipping cost can quickly raise the average cost. You also have to wat to receive them and expedited shipping costs can be very high.

Many grocery store websites now have photo development sections that allow you to upload prints, order exactly what you need, and then pick your photos up at your local store on your next shopping trip. Not only do you get a low price, but you also avoid shipping charges and get them almost immediately.

If you sign up for your store's email newsletter you may even get special coupons and deals. A few weeks ago I received an email offer from Walgreens for a free 8 by 10 print. I immediately uploaded a photo of my children, printed the coupon, picked the free $2.99 print up at the store later that day, bought an inexpensive frame and had an instant gift for their grandfather!

Browse the photo sections of your grocery stores and drugstores to compare their offering to your current photo development service.

DVD rentals:

With our local movie theater's prices at $9 per ticket, renting a video for $4 or $5 at the video store is a bargain for our family of four.

However, our local grocery store now offers the RedBox video rental service. We can rent videos there for only $1 per night.

As long as I remember to return the video the next day, we can rent one movie every week and pay less in a month than one rental at the video store. That's a deal!

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