Bypassing the Grocer Could Slice Food Costs

Some consumers battle high food costs by going straight to the source.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 18, 2008, 5:14 PM

June 19, 2008 — -- Ever-increasing food costs at grocery stores have strained Americans' wallets. But now, some are skipping the supermarket entirely and going straight to the source in hopes of easing their pocketbook pain while ensuring they get the freshest food.

Community supported agriculture may not be a new idea, but it's gaining traction across the country, in places such as Sandy Spring, Md. There, a group banded together six years ago to buy directly from a local farmer.

Carolyn Heeley, a mother of two, originally joined the group because the vegetables are organic.

"In the beginning, I thought it was a little pricier, but I didn't care because it was better quality," she said. "It was healthier for my kids."

But now that grocery store produce prices have risen dramatically, Heeley said she's saving a lot of money.

"Financially, it's much better," she said.

For $595, each member gets a box of produce weekly during the 21-week growing season. It's filled with the freshest fruits and vegetables, straight from the farm -- whatever is ripe and ready. That averages to about $28 a week, and this week, the delivery contained nine different fruits and veggies.

"Now that it has proliferated and is affordable, this is just -- I'm so excited, I can hardly stand it," said Erin Johnson, who co-founded the Sandy Spring CSA.

Some of the 370 members of the group economize even more by splitting a box. But it all adds up to lower prices for purchasers.

In fact, "Good Morning America" compared the price of the same items they received as part of their bundle to similar items at a local grocery store and found the same products would cost $39.36 -- $11 more than what CSA members pay.

In fact, people who participate in a community supported agriculture program could potentially save about $250 a year.

Consumers aren't the only ones benefiting. The process works well for farmers, too, because they know in advance what their revenue will be.

"It's definitely an economic model that farmers can adapt," said Pam Roberts of Calvert Farm, which organizes the Sandy Spring group.