Clean Appliances Regularly to Extend Their Lives and Save Money

Some cleaning tasks can be tedious, but your appliances will thank you.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 24, 2010, 7:13 PM

March 25, 2010— -- Not many people enjoy cleaning -- especially when it comes to cleaning kitchen appliances. Food gets stuck in hard-to-reach cracks and crevices, and cleaning it out can be time consuming.

However, experts recommend that you clean your refrigerator and oven at least once a year, if not twice a year.

The microwave is even more demanding, and should be clear of food before each and every use.

Cleaning your refrigerator, oven, and microwave can be a lot of work, but in the end it could help you save money by prolonging the life of your appliances and by lowering your electricity bill.

Click HERE to learn how you can save money on your washer and dryer.

Let's start with one of the biggest and costliest appliances in a kitchen -- the refrigerator.

People generally only think to keep the inside of the refrigerator clean, but in fact, it is the coils underneath that can prove to be the biggest beast of burden.

"They should be cleaned at least once a year, more often if you have pets," says Vernon Schmidt, who has been a repairman for almost 35 years and is the author of a self-published book, "Appliance Handbook for Women: Simple Enough Even a Man Can Understand."

"When the refrigerator is running, it pulls air through the bottom to keep the compressor from getting too hot," Schmidt says. "If you have pets, it also pulls in the pet hair and will clog up the coils." When the coils get dirty, the motor ends up working overtime. Without this extra work it can cause a strain on the refrigerator's life and, ultimately, a drain on your income.

Another way you can save energy and money is by maintaining the quality and cleanliness of the seal on your refrigerator door.

"Most refrigerator door seals will tear across the bottom," Schmidt says. "This is due to build up from things getting spilled either inside the refrigerator or on the floor and splashing up on the seal."

The result of the buildup is a brittle, cracked and even torn seal.

To prevent the problem, Schmidt recommends rubbing Vaseline around the seal.

"Just wipe a very thin amount on with a clean cloth," Schmidt says. "This keeps the seal soft and will prolong the life of it."