Could a Toy Harm Your Child?

Danger categories to be aware of this shopping season.

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 24, 2009, 7:16 PM

Nov. 25, 2009— -- This week kicks off the first holiday shopping season since a law went into effect that is supposed to make children's toys safer. But the U.S. Public Interest Research Group says there is still trouble in toy land.

"There is no magic wand fixing the CSPC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) and making products safer won't happen overnight," U.S. PIRG public health advocate Liz Hitchcock said.

Choking hazards are the number one cause of toy-related deaths. For example, U.S. PIRG says the ball on top of the creative wood stacking rings made by Zaidy Products is too small for children under the age of three.

If a toy or part can fit through a toilet paper tube it's too small for kids under three. That's why balloons can be deadly. When they are inflated they don't fit, but if they pop they become one of the leading choking hazards.