Tom DeLay on 'Dancing With the Stars': 'Conservatives Can Have Fun Too'

Former majority leader says he's "in it to win it" on "Dancing With the Stars."

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 18, 2009, 12:06 AM

Aug. 18, 2009— -- Tom DeLay says he's got dancing in his blood and "jumped at the chance" to join the cast of "Dancing with the Stars."

"I love dancing … you've got to love dancing if you're from Texas," DeLay told Chris Cuomo on "Good Morning America." "Conservatives can have fun too. Conservatives can let their hair down… and put on some dancing shoes."

Fans of "Dancing With the Stars" were surprised to learn on Monday that the former House Majority Leader would join the season nine cast.

"The Hammer," a nickname given for his ability to hammer legislation through Congress, will join fellow cast members Donny Osmond , Kathy Ireland, Macy Gray and others on the "Dancing With the Stars" season premiere on September 21, 2009.

"This is going to be so fun and so crazy," said DeLay, later adding, "I'm in it to win it."'

Following Monday's announcement DeLay, 62, tweeted: "Didn't realize, I was the oldest #DWTS contestant by 11 years. Have to go after that #AARP vote."

DeLay has already changed his Web site to "Dancing with DeLay" where you can "follow his moves" by registering on his Web site to "two-step with tom (sic)."

Emily Miller, a former DeLay aide, wrote on Politics Daily that DeLay's daughter, a professional dancer, said he has been working out in preparation for the show and has already lost 12 pounds.

"I'm ready to go," DeLay said. "I can't wait to get to work."

But, he said, he isn't sure about the costumes.

"I don't know about sequins," he said. "Sequins and pink."

CLICK HERE for the complete "Dancing With the Stars" cast list.