Dear 'GMA' Advice Guru Top 20 Finalists: Cooper Boone

Read an application from one of our finalists.

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 26, 2010, 10:05 AM

Nov. 26, 2010 — -- Cooper Boone from New York, NY, is a finalist in the Dear GMA Advice Guru Contest. Read his application below!


My name is Cooper Boone and I am the Advice Guru you are looking for! Helping people through their struggles, both big and small, is my professional and personal mission. I have two masters and a doctoral degree in clinical psychology and slew of street life experience. For 15 years, I've worked with vastly diverse American cultures, from small children to centenarians; in the inner city of the South Bronx, to the farmers of America's heartland. Addictions, relationships, career changes, bed wetting, poverty, death -- I have helped people through every possible journey. My core philosophy is to know that where you are now is not the only option. Listen to your instincts and passions and let them guide you and the rest will come with hard work and support. Bring into your life what will bring you happiness -- no matter how big that accomplishment may seem. I walk that talk too. What I do outside of my psychology practice brings me that kind of balance and joy. ... It's my hope that your Advice Guru will have a broad life experience, a solid foundation in understanding human dynamics AND will offer a certain element of entertainment to their segments. Thank you for considering "Dr. Coop" for that job.

What's the best advice you have ever given? What was the result?

My best advice was to a parent who was struggling with her 5-year-old son. He was self-entitled, violent, followed no rules and had taken over the home. This single mom had given up and just allowed him to do whatever he wanted. Mom was depressed and felt helpless. She needed strong advice on how to take back control of her home and her child. The process was tough and I warned her that it would get worse before it got it better (which it did with colossal tantrums). Eventually, he relinquished control, her depression lifted and both are thriving. Consistency was the hardest part. She often wanted to buckle to make the tantrums stop but I GUARANTEED HER that it would get better if she didn't waver. Set rules early in your child's life with a structured, disciplined environment and you can avoid this struggle altogether.