Moms Go Behind the Scenes at McDonald's

The fast-food giant is out to prove it has healthy options available.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 21, 2007, 8:35 AM

June 21, 2007 — -- "I'm lovin' it" is McDonald's motto, but not everyone feels that way. The golden arches have lost a little bit of their shine over the past few years, taking hits from nutritionists, books like "Fast Food Nation" and the documentary "Supersize Me."

In a bid to turn all that around, McDonald's is looking to the power center of the American family: moms.

"My kids eat at McDonald's all the time, like most kids. What kid doesn't eat at McDonald's?" said mom Joanna Canizares.

Canizares was one of six moms chosen to go deep into the heart of McDonald's and report back to the rest of us.

"We're going in there and turning over the grill to see if it's dirty and watching the people putting the food together to see if their hands are clean and are they washing their hands and things like that," Canizares said.

The mothers have already gotten a tour of corporate headquarters, and they will be writing unedited online journals about what they discover.

So far, Canizares said she is surprisingly pleased with what she's seen.

"It's about choices," she said. "I recognize that McDonald's may not be the healthiest place to eat. I think a lot of parents would say that, but there is healthy food there and you just have to look for it."

There are salads, grilled chicken sandwiches and fruit on the menu, but also those famous fries -- hard to resist for many people.

Some nutritionists say it is possible to go to McDonald's and eat healthier, but those options are not promoted as much as the less healthy menu items.

Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition and author of the book "What to Eat," is skeptical the moms will be able to get the real inside scoop.

"Now if all they are going to let the women see is how the food is made, I am sure it's made just fine," Nestle said. "But are they going to show how the animals are raised? Are they going to show the behind the scenes marketing efforts that are going on? And do they realize that they are part of McDonald's marketing efforts? That we don't know yet."

Canizares said she is going into the fast-food experiment with her eyes wide open.

"Certainly I still have concerns and there are still a lot of questions that I have, and there is an opportunity for McDonalds to answer those questions," she said.

What questions would you ask McDonald's? Let us know in the comments section of this story.