Unclog Your Shower Drain, the Green Way

Forget the coat hanger to fish out hair, here's an easy way to clear the drain.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 16, 2010, 1:35 PM

April 19, 2010— -- You're in the shower washing up when you notice, "Hmm, the water's getting a little deep here." Then you realize, the drain must be clogged.

Before you rush off to grab something to fish out the obstruction, try making a little volcano in the pipes by using a mixture baking soda, vinegar and water.

Step 1: Put the DRY baking soda down the drain. Use about 3/4 of a cup.

Step 2: Pour 1/2 cup of vinegar down the drain after the baking soda. Be sure to cover the drain immediately afterwards with a rag or plug, filling the hole completely so nothing can escape. This is because the interaction of the two will cause a "mini volcano" that will want to come up and out of the drain ... you want to keep it down there.

Step 3: Leave this concoction in the drain for about 30 minutes. While you are waiting, boil a tea kettle full of water.

Step 4: After 30 minutes, remove the plug and slowly pour the HOT water down the drain.

And there you have it, a science fair project turned into a do-it-yourself unclogger.