'The Bachelor' Shocker: Jake Chooses Vienna in Finale

Jake Pavelka proposes to Vienna Girardi; sends home Tenley Molzahn.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 1, 2010, 5:22 PM

March 1, 2010— -- "The Bachelor" star Jake Pavelka followed his heart on the show's shocking season finale, giving the final rose and an engagement ring to Vienna Girardi.

"I love you," he said, as he proposed. "Vienna, will you accept this final rose?"

Pavelka, a 32-year-old pilot from Denton, Texas, chose Girardi over fellow finalist Tenley Molzahn.

Molzahn said she was "more than positive" that her new life with Pavelka was about to begin, but he told her that while he loved her, ultimately "something just doesn't feel right." The two embraced and shed tears before Pavelka walked her out.

"You can't force it," he said. "It has to just naturally be there."

During the finale, Pavelka said he could see both Girardi and Molzahn as his future wife and selected engagement rings for each woman.

"You're not supposed to be in love with two women at the same time," he said, citing his emotional connection with Molzahn -- "the girl with the heart of gold" -- and calling the physical chemistry with Girardi "lightning hot."

"I just want to make sure that I can live with the decision I make today," he said after making his decision. "I know in my heart that it's the right one. There's one woman that has my heart a little bit more than the other."

Watch an exclusive interview with Jake and Vienna tomorrow on "Good Morning America" at 7 a.m. ET

Both women professed their love for Pavelka during their final dates and presented him with gifts to signify their feelings.

"I'm head over heels in love," Girardi said. "I know we're going to be together, and we're going to last forever."

"I feel like I've fallen more in love with him," Molzhan said. "Jake is the guy I want to marry."

But during his date with Molzahn, Pavelka said "the physical chemistry is sometimes not as hot as the emotional."

"I'm pretty hurt that Jake doesn't think that we have physical chemistry," Molzahn said.

After she was sent home, she said she thought Pavelka would realize he had made a mistake, but was happy she had been able to open herself up to love.