Netherworld Haunted House Brings the Dead to Life

Atlanta haunted house routinely among U.S. spookiest places.

ByABC News via GMA logo
October 5, 2010, 7:31 AM

Oct. 11, 2010— -- Bloody faces, paths so dark you can sense the terror that awaits you. Beware the fangs of the undead as creepy things break through the floor.

And don't be surprised to see goblins suspended above and Ouija boards promising more horror ahead.

Netherworld is the name and scaring your socks off is the game.

"People will run, bounce off the wall and just laugh," co-owner Ben Armstrong said. "They continue to be scared, truly scared."

Armstrong and Billy Messina are the creative minds behind this fright machine. The 20,000-square-foot haunt house in Atlanta draws crowds from across the country, the founders say.

Warehouse by day, haven for ghouls by night, Netherworld Haunted House has two fright tours where customers walk through darkened paths and encounter various monsters. This year marks its 14th anniversary with the themes Gargoyle and Dead Salvage.