Town Meeting: Helping Children

ByABC News via GMA logo
September 9, 2005, 9:25 AM

Sept. 9, 2005 — -- Parents have many crucial questions about children directly affected by Hurricane Katrina and those who watched the natural disaster unfold on television.

The No. 1 question that evacuated parents have asked in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina is "How do I find my child?" The answer to that question is to call the Katrina Missing Persons Hotline: 1-888-544-5475.

To answer other concerns, "Nick News" host Linda Ellerbee joined "Good Morning America" and talked to parents at the Bethany World Prayer Center in Baton Rouge, La. You can also find information about how kids can help at

Question: How do you explain to your kids that you won't ever be able to go back to where you used to live?
-- Jenna Enclade, 23, evacuated mother

Ellerbee: I think it works best with kids when you deal with the short term. Take it one day at a time. Instead of saying, "You can't go back anymore," say, "We can't go back right now." Tell them that anywhere you are, anywhere your family is, that's home. As they become more comfortable with where they are, they will stop asking that question so often.

Question: How do I explain to my children where all their new classmates are coming from? They are asking me who they are and why don't they have uniforms and school supplies?
-- Becky Bohlander, church volunteer at the Bethany World Prayer Center and mother of three

Ellerbee: Explain to your children that a hurricane hit the town where these kids live and their schools are either under water right now or unable to open because the teachers aren't there. Tell them that these new kids are not there on purpose. They're there because they need help, and what your kids can offer them is friendship. Ask your kids how they would feel if some accident forced them to go to another town and to a new school. Then ask your kids to treat these kids the way they would want to be treated. These kids need food, clothing and shelter, but they also need friendship.