Clicks to Cash: Make Good Money as a Blogger on Your Own Website

Tory's 50 ways to build an online following for your blog or business.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 9, 2010, 8:10 PM

Nov. 19, 2010 — -- At BlogWorld, the largest social media convention, more than 3,000 people gathered to focus on turning their online content to cash.

I scoped out several attendees who are doing just that, and I got their lessons on success.

Her solution:, which she targets to "busy budgeted women who want to feel fit, fashionable and fabulous after having kids."

She makes money through advertising, paid blog posts, and commission on sales through She'll earn $15,000 this year.

With and, he's now making $30,000 a year selling ebooks, advertising, consulting and speeches.

She's bringing in the cash from advertising, sponsorships, books and consulting, to the tune of $25,000 this year. Plus, she has the added perk of free travel.

So how, exactly, are they doing it -- and how can you cash in too?

1. Select a topic you're passionate about. Make sure you have a lot to say.

Blog about something you love.

To make money, you're going to be in it for the long haul, so it better be a topic that you could write about without getting paid—because for a while, you won't earn a penny.

Don't underestimate the challenge of creating daily content.

Before you even set up a blog, create a calendar of content.

If you had to write new stuff every day for a month, what would fill your screen?

Delve deeply into your topic as you go through this exercise.