10 Tips to Get Hired: Diversify Your Job-Hunting Tactics to Achieve Success

Network and avoid job boards, expert says.

ByABC News via GMA logo
August 1, 2010, 11:37 PM

Aug. 8, 2010 — -- So often we have tough news to report on the job market, but today's "America's Jobs" segment is filled with recent success stories.

Five people coping with long-term unemployment after a layoff got back to work. Each can trace his or her success to a specific tip that turned it all around. Such options can be used on their own but work more successfully when done simultaneously.

When Angela Raub was abruptly laid off, instead of flooding job boards with her resume, she connected with people personally. In a little more than three months, Raub's networking paid off: One of her contacts suggested an Atlanta financial services firm.

Even though there was no job opening, she was persistent and convinced the company to create a position for her, which she holds today.

Anthony Sanchez's entire department at a New York bank was laid off because of a relocation out of state, and he was out of work for about a year. He saw a "GMA" segment on temping to get a foot in the door. He went for it, and the agency's clients loved him.

Feedback was so good that when a permanent position opened on the staff, the agency hired him. After 16 months out of work, and six months temping, Sanchez now has a job he loves and he's happy that he can help others find jobs, too.

When he was laid off from his position as a community service officer, Roger Yost began targeting employers he wanted to work for. Even when he didn't hear back or there wasn't a right fit, he kept following the companies on his target list. At first, a hotel and casino in Minnesota wasn't interested in him, but the second time worked like a charm. He kept tabs on the company and landed a security job the next time a relevant opening appeared.

Persistence was the key for Valarie Tucker of Missouri, as well. She worked for a telecom company as a supply chain manager but lost her job in a round of layoffs. She was out of work for 6 months but followed our tip to maintain good relationships with her former colleagues. Those contacts came through for her. Valarie was hired back by a former employer in a different role. Her strong connections lead to a new job.