Don't Snub a Part-Time Job If You're Underemployed

Keep your options open -- new opportunities can be found in unusual places.

ByABC News via GMA logo
January 25, 2009, 4:50 PM

Jan. 26, 2009— -- It's not only the 11 million out-of-work Americans who are struggling today; many employed workers have seen their weekly income drop because of pay cuts, reduced hours, or mandatory unpaid time off all mechanisms being used by employers to cut costs while preventing layoffs.

Those workers are now forced to protect their job while also finding new ways to make up the loss of income.

Do what you do for more people. Assuming you don't have a non-compete clause with your current employer prohibiting you from doing work on the side, look for more buyers for your services.

For example, an accountant or bookkeeper who is familiar with tax prep software, some of which is free or affordable at, can begin offering to prepare city, state and/or federal returns for family and friends on nights and weekends.

Here's a sample of what to write via email to everyone in your address book or to all of your Facebook friends when asking people you know to help with promotion:

"Need help with your annual tax returns? Since I have experience preparing personal returns, I want to let you know that I'm available to prepare your city, state and federal returns. [Include a sentence about your relevant professional background and expertise, including any formal training or education.] I'd welcome the chance to discuss your needs as soon as possible. You can rely on my accuracy and professionalism, along with my very affordable rates. In addition, I'd be happy to offer you a referral fee for steering new clients my way. Please feel free to forward this email, which includes my contact information below, to your friends, family and colleagues. Thanks for your time. I look forward to serving you."

Another example: A dry cleaner in my neighborhood slashed the hours of the shop's longtime seamstress because of a drop in business. He still needs her to service some clients, but on a much more limited basis.

Since other dry cleaners are in the same boat, to make up for the lost income, the seamstress with her boss's blessing is creating a flyer to distribute door to door to other dry cleaners outside the competing neighborhood, offering them her services on a part-time basis, which could prove to be a win/win for everyone.

Tory Johnson is the Workplace Contributor on "Good Morning America" and the CEO of Women For Hire. Visit her Web site at