Stressed at Work? Try Keeping a Journal

A job stress journal can help you identify and combat stress triggers.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 9, 2010, 8:10 PM

July 12, 2010 — -- Create a job-related stress log, which consists of journal-like entries, tracking the precise moments of when your body or mind reacts negatively to pressure at work.

Instead of saying, "It's the whole job that's causing me extraordinary stress," it's important to pinpoint the origin (time, place, people, circumstance and triggers) of job stressors.

For example, is it an insane workload that's bothering you because layoffs have meant that fewer people are now responsible for more work? Have you been repeatedly promised a raise or promotion, only to be routinely overlooked? Do you have a rude, belligerent boss or absolutely intolerable colleagues who undermine you at every turn? Is there an overall climate of fear that has everyone biting their nails as you all await the possibility of pink slips?

You want to determine what exactly it is that's causing you -- your mind and body -- to react so negatively at work.

Every day for two weeks, keep a small pad in your purse or pocket. (Don't do this on your work computer, nor should you wait until you're back home at the end of the day.) In the moment when you feel like you're tensing up or getting that headache or feeling sick -- whatever your specific symptoms, which can vary in each person -- write down what specifically is causing it.

For example, did someone say something specific to you? Who was it, what was said, and why? Where were you? What were you doing in that moment? How did you react outwardly and how did you react inwardly -- verbally, physically, mentally or emotionally?

Over the course of two weeks, create this type of entry every time you aren't feeling like your normal, healthy self.

Then try rating the specific stressors. For example, there are typically some things that make us more upset than others. Different things cause a different reaction. Maybe you get a stomach ache when you're told to work with a specific person, but you're perfectly fine doing the same assignment with someone else. Or maybe you feel fine until you have to call a particular contact.