Social Media: Get Your Foot in the Virtual Door

Learn how to use social media to get a head start on the competition.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 9, 2010, 8:10 PM

July 15, 2010 — -- The key to getting a job is getting in front of a decision-maker, which isn't as impossible as it may seem.

If you're savvy, social media can get you and your resume through the virtual front door to the person doing the hiring.

The key is to shift your emphasis from looking at positions to finding people. It starts by having comprehensive profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Without fully complete profiles, which includes uploading all of your contacts and connections, none of these sites are effective for jobseekers.

CLICK HERE for more job search tips from Tory's Job Club page.

When you're logged into Twitter, on the top right side of your screen, you'll see a link to "Find People." Type in the name of the company you're eyeing and then review the profiles of each person (or organization) that pops up. Follow those who work in recruiting and/or within the departments that appeal to you.

Earlier this year, Trish Freshwater wanted a job at Sodexo, the leading provider of food and facilities management in the United States. She turned to Twitter. Using the "find people" function, she entered the company name, and reviewed the profiles that turned up in the search results. She then followed those with "Director" or "VP" in their title, as well as everyone in recruiting. One month from sending her first tweet to the head of talent recruitment, Freshwater was offered a job.

Bonus tips on Twitter:

#1: Follow me at to ask your job search questions and to receive advice and leads to support your advancement.

#2: Check out TweetMyJobs, which allows jobseekers to sign up for daily alerts on job openings from more than 700 top employers. Alerts are delivered to you directly via email, Twitter or text message.