Andrew Young Exclusive: Rielle Hunter Lied to Oprah Winfrey

Cheri Young speculates John Edwards' mistress had plastic surgery.

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 29, 2010, 10:27 AM

April 30, 2010— -- Rielle Hunter's explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey was laden with lies and a blatant attempt to blame everyone but herself for the sex scandal that has apparently ended one-time presidential candidate John Edwards' marriage, former Edwards aide Andrew Young said today.

Young and his wife, Cheri Young, said they were struck by Hunter's lack of remorse and, maybe, something a little different about her appearance.

"I think she's had plastic surgery," Cheri Young said.

Andrew Young said he watched the interview twice.

"She is deflecting the blame and wants to make everybody the villain," Young told "Good Morning America" in an exclusive interview.

In the interview with Winfrey, Hunter denied being a "home wrecker" and said her illicit affair with John Edwards did not break up his marriage with his cancer-stricken wife.

"Absolutely not," Hunter told Winfrey when asked if she was a home-wrecker. "It's not my experience that a third party wrecks a home."

"You can't steal someone else's husband," she said. "[People are] not property."

Elizabeth Edwards was out shopping for her daughter while her estranged husband's mistress was telling Oprah Winfrey that they never used birth control and that the affair was a learning experience.

"It is a blessing that this woman is not part of my life," Edwards told ABC News after Rielle Hunter's interview aired Thursday. "I was shopping for Cate while it was on, and I did not watch it."

Andrew Young said Hunter's accounts to Winfrey about the sex tape she made with Edwards and how it wound up in the Youngs' hands were completely untrue.

Hunter told Winfrey that left it at her own house. But the Youngs said they can prove in court that the tape was left at their house for more than a year.

"She abandoned it," he said. "She left it there."

Hunter said she still loves Edwards, who she repeatedly referred to as "Johnny." When asked if Edwards loves her, she said, "It's my experience that he loves me."

But she rebuffed Winfrey's questions about the status of their relationship. "That's private," she said with a slight laugh.

But Andrew Young said he thinks the two are "definitely" still seeing each other and that their relationship may be bolstered by more than romantic feelings.

"I think there's some kind of contractual relationship," Andrew Young said, pointing to the half-million-dollar house the Edwards bought for Hunter and her young daughter that has yet to be lived in. "I think there's some type of restriction on what she can and cannot do."