Just One Thing: Green Your Indoor Air Quality

Target household odors with some air freshening plants.

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 25, 2010, 4:16 PM

April 28, 2010— -- Today the Organic Mechanic, Mark Highland, dropped by "Good Morning America" to show how some pretty plants can improve air quality in your house.

In addition to sprucing up the place, these household plants actively target certain toxins and keep the air you and your family breath clean, Highland said. These plants are labeled O2, which means they improve your home air quality.

Check out Highland's top plants below and then visit the "GMA" Just One Thing homepage for more ways to go green.

Peace Lillies: Peace Lillies, native to the Florida wild, can remove benzene, a chemical found in tobacco smoke.

Ferns: Those long, slender plants not only give a room a little character, they also help remove toulene from the air, a chemical found in printer and copier inks and glues.

Anthuriums: If your house is smelling a little bit like ammonia, some anthurium plants could help remove the chemical from the air. Anthuriums are beautiful plant with dark foliage and heart-shaped flowers.

Dieffenbachia: The low-maintenance dieffenbachia plant has large, colorful leaves. It can also help remove formaldehyde from the air that could come from foam insulation, carpets and plywood. While these plants look great in a bright room, their leaves are toxic if consumed, so keep them away from small children and pets.

Sansevieria: All the way from India, Indonesia and tropical Africa, the Sansevieria is a hardy houseplant and can help remove acetone from the air. Acetone is often found in nail polish, paints and paint removers.

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