Naomi Campbell to Start Community Service

ByABC News via GMA logo
March 18, 2007, 8:24 AM

March 19, 2007 — -- Supermodel Naomi Campbell has fiercely walked the runways from Paris to New York, but soon the Park Ave. princess will walk and "clean" the floors of a dingy department of sanitation warehouse in New York City.

"She is going to be getting down on her knees, you know, scrubbing. They are not going easy on her," said Caroline Schaefer, a deputy editor of Us Weekly.

Campbell will be serving a sentence of community service for hurling a cell phone at her maid, allegedly over a pair of jeans.

The supermodel is infamous for her diva tantrums and few New Yorkers who "GMA" interviewed on the street felt any pity.

"She is horrible," one New Yorker told "GMA." "She should have to clean the toilet with her toothbrush."

"The maids and the assistants that she abused should be there to be her bosses," said another.

The judge in this case gave in to Campbell's request that she carry out her community service indoors, so the public won't be seeing the supermodel in a reluctant pose with her newest accessory.

She's trying to avoid what happened to Boy George when he was swarmed by photographers last year during his sanitation detail for a false burglary claim.

But the Campbell decision does raise the question of whether, at times, celebrities get preferential treatment. From drugs to DUIs, the list of stars who have committed crimes is long and some believe their punishments don't always match the crime.

"When a celebrity goes into court, there's a lot of good will and juries have a hard time, especially in criminal cases, thinking of somebody who is beloved as a criminal," said Harry Levin of "A lot of these celebrities, they skate and skate and skate and never get caught. And if they get caught, there's no punishment. And [at] a point it catches up with them."

But not every A-lister gets off easy. Domestic diva Martha Stewart served five months in prison for obstruction of justice, and Winona Ryder was found guilty of four felonies for shoplifting.