Cold Case Investigation Reveals Clues

ByABC News via GMA logo
April 12, 2005, 11:15 AM

April 12, 2005 — -- An investigative report commissioned by the family of a Fresno, Calif., mother who died in 2000 under mysterious circumstances alleges she was poisoned. Now, the woman's relatives say they believe that her husband of 13 years is to blame.

In 2000, Linda Adanalian was standing on the steps of her church when she collapsed suddenly, her four young children by her side. She died just two hours later, shortly after arriving at the hospital.

The death of the healthy 37-year old, a former cheerleader and college athlete, left her entire family in shock and looking for answers, but an initial coroner's report labeled the cause of death unknown.

But Adanalian's parents and siblings weren't convinced and believed that her husband may have been involved.

Adanalian's husband -- Mark Adanalian -- has denied any involvement in his wife's death.

Adanalian's brother and sister told "Good Morning America" that the family believed she was trapped in a very unhappy marriage.

"She was in a terribly volatile marriage," her brother, Dave Dalition, said. "She feared for her life and had warned friends that she was afraid that her husband might kill her."

Meg Bakich believes her sister was taking steps to leave the marriage. "Linda, I think, was planning to leave," Bakich said. "She had made prepatory steps to do so. She had put money aside. She had discussed leaving."

The family turned to a private investigator and former deputy district attorney, Lela Henke-Dobroth, to re-examine the case and they arranged for another autopsy.

A new coroner's report says Adanalian died from selenium poisoning, a substance that is easily available. Selenium can easily be added to food or drink, says the report, and can be fatal.