Make Money Selling on eBay

Hire someone to sell your stuff for you, or turn your own eBay skills into cash.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 17, 2009, 8:35 PM

May 18, 2009 — -- For the latest in the "Good Morning America" "Make Money in May" series, we've got two money-making ideas rolled into one.

If you're an eBay dunce, you can hire somebody to sell your stuff for a 30 percent commission. Or if you're an eBay pro, you can be the clever entrepreneur who offers a virtual consignment service to others.

Niki Campbell, for example, is a modern-day treasure hunter. She makes house calls to help people in the Pittsburgh area figure out if they have anything that will bring them big bucks on eBay.

"We'll go through it and see what it's worth and if you want to sell it," she said simply about her role.

For mother Laura Como, it's a task that is a lot bigger than it sounds.

"I find it a bit intimidating and tedious for myself," she said. "I'm very busy with work and my children."

But with Como's stuff and Campbell's expertise, the two can turn quite a profit. It's the kind of arrangement that is so commonly profitable, Campbell has turned her services into a successful career after starting the eBay consignment Web site

"Our demographic is anyone who has stuff," Campbell said. "You don't have to be wealthy. You don't have to live in a certain area. You have stuff, everyone does."

According to Campbell's estimate, the average household has up to $3,500 worth of eBay items just waiting to be sold.

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