Joran van der Sloot Pelted With Rotten Vegetables on Way to Court

Police: Dutch playboy ate pastries with corpse of Peru murder victim.

ByABC News via GMA logo
June 4, 2010, 8:30 AM

June 11, 2010— -- Confessed killer Joran van der Slootwas pelted with rotten vegetables today and a judge ordered him kept in jail because his murder of a Peruvian woman was carried out with "ferocity and great cruelty."

Van der Sloot's alleged cruel streak was on display when he told Peruvian authorities that he'll confess to where he put the body of missing American teenager Natalee Holloway if officials from Aruba will come visit him.

A Peruvian police general said that van der Sloot, charged with the murder of 21-year-old Stephany Flores Ramirez, will not receive any type of leniency or plea bargain for information on Holloway.

A Peruvian judge today ordered van der Sloot held in jail on charges of robbery and first degree murder, saying the young Dutchman acted with "ferocity and great cruelty."

Police manhandled van der Sloot as they escorted him out of a truck into the courthouse with a blanket draped over his head.

"Disgrace!" and "Murderer!" bystanders yelled. Some threw rotten vegetables at him.

In the week since his capture, while fleeing in Chile, grisly details have emerged about how he says he killed Flores.

"Joran, he said, struck Stephany repeatedly, strangled her, shook her, threw her on the ground," Gen. Cesear Guardia told "Good Morning America" in Spanish. "And, when he saw that she was still breathing, he used his own shirt to suffocate her."

Van der Sloot also told police, Guardia said, that when was captured on hotel surveillance video leaving his room to get coffee and pastries, Flores was already dead. Guardia said he believes van der Sloot ate his breakfast in the hotel room next to Flores' body.

His motive, Guardia said, was robbery.

"When he left his room that morning," Guardia said, "Joran took Stephany's cash, jewelry, credit cards, ID, and her car, which he abandoned a few miles away."

Though one of van der Sloot's lawyers has said that his client's confession was coerced, Guardia said it was "totally legal."

It is unclear if or when van der Sloot will release information about Natalee Holloway. In the past he has told several versions about what happened to the 18-year-old, who disappeared in 2005 while on a school trip.

Investigators recently searched a beach in Aruba after van der Sloot said he buried her there as part of an extortion attempt in which he was given $25,000 for information about Natalee. Nothing was found in the location he provided.

"He is ready to discuss this whenever officials from Aruba can come here," Guardia said.

Once in the Castro Castro prison outside Lima, van der Sloot will be separated from the other inmates for his own safety.

But his Peruvian attorney Sandro Monteblanco isn't happy about the move, calling the prison "Dante's Inferno."

"You hear people talk about Turkish prisons and what not, because they haven't been to a Peruvian prison," he said.