Michael Jackson's Oldest Son Prince Could Become Family Leader

Prince Michael Jackson I often acted as a liaison for his father and employees.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 31, 2009, 5:56 PM

July 31, 2009 — -- He has spent the better part of his life sheltered, often wearing a mask to hide his face from the public's prying eyes. But after his father's unexpected death it has emerged that Michael Jackson's son, Prince Michael Jackson I had become the defacto family leader, according to at least one former Jackson family employee.

Michael Jackson's son, 12, appeared composed beyond his years at his father's memorial. And he has surfaced as a quiet leader inside his home, where workers respected him, even before his father's death.

"It was a bit unusual in the beginning taking instructions from Prince," said the King of Pop's former personal chef, Doug Jones. "But once I understood the process, he was like a go-between [between] Mr. Jackson and myself."

Jones said it was Prince who frequently gave the orders not his reclusive father.

"Prince was usually the only one that would convey to me certain instructions when Mr. Jackson wanted to eat upstairs," he said. "I looked at him as a young man in a kid's body."

Jones said the preteen was "very mature for his age."

Another Michael Jackson chef Kai Chase, says when she was hired to accompany the "Thriller" singer to London for his comeback concert tour, it was Prince who personally made the request on behalf of his father.

Chase said Prince also was the first one Michael Jackson's personal doctor Dr. Conrad Murray, asked for when he found the singer unresponsive in his bedroom.

"I started preparing the lunch and then I looked at my cell phone and it was noon. About 12:05 or 12:10 Dr. Murray runs down the steps and screams, 'Go get Prince!' He's screaming very loud. I run into the den where the kids are playing. Prince runs to meet Dr. Murray and from that point on, you could feel the energy in the house change.," Chase told The Associated Press in an interview.