Short on Sleep? How To Beat Insomnia

Battle those sleepless nights with these tips for healthy rest.

ByABC News via GMA logo
May 9, 2010, 6:47 PM

June 7, 2010 — -- This morning on "Good Morning America," you saw a report that linked chronic insomnia with an elevated risk for death.

Experts agree that getting the proper amount of sleep can affect the rest of your life. Insufficient sleep negatively affect the brain.

Click HERE to read the full report.

Americans spend an estimated $2 billion every year on sleeping pills. The pills can help, along with other treatments including cognitive behavioral therapy, but there are natural ways to help people get a good night's sleep.

Here are a few tips from ABC News' senior health and medical editor, Dr. Richard Besser:

Wake up the same time every day, even on the weekends. It may feel good to sleep in on the weekends after a week of hard work, but sleeping in on Saturday or Sunday morning is setting you up for trouble on Sunday night.