Vitamins and You: Which Ones Should You Take?

Not everyone needs vitamins and dietary supplements, says Dr. Besser.

ByABC News via GMA logo
December 8, 2009, 7:11 PM

Dec. 8, 2009— -- Vitamins and dietary supplements are a $20 billion industry, and according to industry data, about half of all adult Americans take a daily multivitamin, but medical experts have questioned whether they really do any good.

While much is known about the link between vitamin deficiencies and related diseases, it doesn't automatically follow that taking extra vitamins is a good thing, Dr. Richard Besser, ABC News' senior health and medical editor, said on "Good Morning America."

For most people, eating a well-balanced diet from all the food groups is the best way to ensure you get the vitamins you need, Besser said.

Besser himself doesn't take vitamins.

"I eat a very balanced diet," he said, adding that "not everyone falls into that category."

Besser favors a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables, which, he said, provides him with all the nutrients he needs, including those he wouldn't get from supplements. He also doesn't recommend vitamins for his patients who have a well-balanced diet and aren't in any particular risk groups.

But, he added, the decision to take vitamins should be made after a patient has discussed his or her particular health needs with a doctor.

Doctors will consider the health, diet and age of a patient, and when those factors are taken into account, some people will need to take vitamins, Besser said.